We believe that God is raising a generation of solutionaries that will bring the Kingdom of Heaven to every sector of society, to every nation.
Jesus came to bring the Kingdom, a Kingdom that displaces poverty, slavery, sickness, and all types of evil.
As Kingdom Sons, we are called to do the same.
We are a family led by the Holy Spirit who live to bring the Kingdom to all sectors of society.
Largeness Of Heart is the ministry of Liam OBrien. Liam grew up in Australia and now resides in Colorado USA.
Liam radially encountered Yahweh at the age of 8 when he was divinely healed of asthma. Since that time, he has pursued the Father’s heart as an international businessman, served local churches, non-profits and ministered across the globe.
Liam’s heart is to see Sons arise and step into maturity as they pursue the heart of Yahweh and His Kingdom.
If you would like to give into Largeness Of Heart Ministries, we would greatly appreciate it. Giving is literally sowing into the Kingdom. In the natural realm, it is you sowing money as you purpose in your heart; but in the spiritual realm, you are sowing into fields of multiplication. We thank you so much for your giving and know that the Lord will honor and bless you!
If you would like to give or trade into Largeness Of Heart Ministries, we would greatly appreciate it. Trading is literally sowing into the Kingdom. In the natural realm, it is you sowing money as you purpose in your heart; but in the spiritual realm, you are sowing into fields of multiplication. We thank you so much for your trade and know that Yahweh will honour and bless you!
Ministry & Speaking Areas
Kingdom Life, Prophetic, Discipleship + more.
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